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Guide to using FlatWorld Homework (Student)
Guide to using FlatWorld Homework (Student)

This article covers the basic features of Homework and FAQ

Alastair Adam avatar
Written by Alastair Adam
Updated over 10 months ago

PLEASE NOTE: If you have joined your homework course and your assignments won't load, please visit our FlatWorld Troubleshooting article.

FlatWorld Homework

If you are still having trouble locating your homework course, we recommend reading the related support article. This guide requires that your professor has requested a homework course be set up for them in our system.

Selecting your Assignment

After opening your course, you will see all of the assignments that your Instructor has made available to you. If you are taking the assignment in Canvas, BlackBoard, Moodle, or D2L/Brightspace, clicking the assignment link will take you directly to the assignment.

  1. The Assignment Name column lists the title of each assignment or *exam.

  2. The Type column lets you know if you are taking an assignment or an *exam.

  3. The Starts on column is the date at time at which you can begin the homework.

  4. The Due date column will tell you when the assignment/*exam is due.

  5. The Attempts Done column will tell you how many times you can take an assignment, and how attempt you have made out of the maximum number allowed by your instructor.

  6. The Grade(%) column will show you your grade once you have submitted an assignment.

*Only available in certain titles and may not apply to your course.

Your Assignment Hints

When you enter the assignment, the Available Hints Menu will be displayed. These are the support options your Instructor has made available to you while you take the assignment.

  1. Check answer before submitting - if enabled, this will allow you to see if the answer you have entered for a question is correct. Your instructor can also choose if this option is available for multiple choice questions, or to lock the question after a certain number of wrong answers are entered.

  2. Read the relevant chapter - if enabled, this will provide a link to the chapter in which you will find the content related to the question.

  3. Watch the respective lecture* - if enabled, this option provides you a link to watch a lecture video on the content related to the question.

  4. Link to an online graphing calculator* - this gives you a link to an online graphing calculator for your use during the assignment.

  5. See the solution of the question* - this option allows you to see how the problem is solved. This is common for practice assignments.

  6. See the video solution of a similar question* - this option provides a link to a video lecture explaining the solution. This is common for practice assignments.

**Only available in certain titles and may not apply to your course.

Homework Question View

This is an example of a question from one of our Math titles. You can see the links to to the related chapter, video lesson, and solutions will be located below the question if they are enabled by your instructor. The View available hints link will allows you to review the support options your instructor has set up at any time.

This is an example of what a question will look like if Check Answer is enabled. In the above screenshot, the first answer entered was incorrect, and there are 2 more attempts before the question locks.

Submitting your Assignment and Reviewing your Submission

When you have answered all your assignment questions, you will be asked if you want to submit your assignment to be graded. If you have not entered an answer for all questions, you will be notified before you submit that some questions are missing answers.

To review your assignment, navigate back to your course assignment page.

  1. Under the Due date column, you will see how long you have to resubmit another attempt, if one is allowed.

  2. The Grades column is where the grade of your latest submission will be posted.

  3. To review your submission and the answers you entered, click the blue Details link on the right of the assignment row.

Clicking this link will bring up a window that shows all of the questions you got right, partially right, or incorrect. Questions answered correctly will be indicated by a green circle, questions answered partially correct by an orange circle, and incorrect answers with a red circle.

When reviewing the question, the answers that were correct will be marked in green. If you answered incorrectly, that answer will be highlighted in red, and the correct answer highlighted in yellow. For any question you got wrong, the correct answer will be shown if your instructor has allowed it.

If this article did not answer your question, please feel free to reach out to FlatWorld Customer Service for additional assistance.


Why can't I see the correct answers in my submission?

Your instructor decides whether or not to allow you to see the correct answers. They can also make them available on a certain date, which will be indicated at the top of the window when you open your submission details.

What do I do if I need an extension?

If you need an extension on a homework assignment for any reason, please contact your instructor.

It's telling me I have reached the maximum number of attempts, but I have not taken the assignment. What do I do?

Please reach out to FlatWorld Customer Service as soon as possible so they can resolve this error for you.

I have more than one attempt available on an assignment and have only taken it once, but I am being told I have reached the maximum number of attempts. What do I do?

Please reach out to FlatWorld Customer Service as soon as possible so they can resolve this error for you.

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