The integration can only be configured by someone who has the proper permissions in Canvas, usually a Canvas Admin. It is best for this person to serve as the point of contact for integration setup.
Start in Canvas, navigate to the Developer Keys page in the Admin Menu.
To add a new FlatWorld Integration, Choose + LTI Key from the + Developer Key dropdown menu.
3. The New LTI Key Screen includes a dropdown list of options for configuring a new LTI 1.3 Integration. At, we serve a JSON configuration file that automatically fills out a new LTI 1.3 application with our chosen defaults. Name the tool, select the “Enter URL” option, and paste in this url.
You will also need to add two Redirect URIs
IMPORTANT: Make sure there is no trailing / slash on the URL
Click the Save button in the lower right corner to create the new LTI Key.
4. Creating the LTI Key will bring you back to the list view of all of your LTI Keys. Before moving to the next step, for the integration to work, this needs to be turned on, and the Client ID (located under details, highlighted as shown) copied.
5. The next step is to add the App. Navigate to Admin/Settings, then click on the Apps tab. Click the + App button, and a window will open. Under Configuration Type, select By Client ID, and paste the client ID from step 4 here and click Submit.
You will need to copy the Deployment ID from the menu after the App is created
6. Once you have completed the steps, please send the following values to the Integration Specialist working on your request:
Client ID
Deployment ID