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FlatWorld Homework Point Values

Overview of FlatWorld Homework Point Values

Linda avatar
Written by Linda
Updated over 2 years ago

Per-question point values can be changed only for custom or copied questions, since grading is handled by an assessment application. When creating or editing questions, instructors can assign point values to questions.

Please note if your course is using a learning management system (LMS):

The points in the LMS grade-book are the result of the percentage that FlatWorld sends for the assignment. We only send the total assignment grade out of 1. For example, if a student earns a 90% grade, we send 0.9/1 to the LMS. In FlatWorld, you will always see the “real” point values per question; in the LMS, you will only see the multiplied point value for the overall assignment.

The FlatWorld Homework point values always remain based on the questions. The LMS does its own math to show the overall assignment grade; FlatWorld only sends the overall assignment grade as a decimal out of 1.

Here’s a screenshot from the Question Editor in FlatWorld Homework:

1) Copy a question:

To copy an existing question (question already in Homework), you'd click on the question itself to expand its details, then click the 3 dots to select the 'create a custom copy' option to assign point values.

2) Custom question:

To add your own custom question, click the '+ New Question' under the list of questions to bring up the custom question builder.

In auto-graded questions, we almost always choose a consistent 1 point for every question. In manually graded questions, we do require that a specific point value is set.

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