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Import a Question Test Bank - Blackboard Ultra (Instructor)
Import a Question Test Bank - Blackboard Ultra (Instructor)

This article covers locating Question Test Banks in FlatWorld and importing them into Blackboard Ultra.

Xavier avatar
Written by Xavier
Updated over a year ago

How to download the Learning Management System (LMS) Test Bank Files

  1. Navigate to and log into your account.

  2. Click on Adopted Books to open your My Bookshelf dashboard.

  3. Click the Supplements button for the desired book.

  4. On the Supplements page, scroll down to the section titled 'Test Bank Files for Import to Learning Management Systems' and download the BlackBoard .zip file. It will be denoted by "BB" or "BlackBoard" in the file name.


(Click image to enlarge)

Unzipping/Expanding the BlackBoard File

  1. Locate the downloaded BlackBoard .zip file on your computer.

  2. Double click the file to unzip/expand the file. Doing so will result in a folder named after the downloaded file. Open this folder to find a folder titled Question Sets.

  3. In this Question Sets folder, the Test Bank questions will be divided further into other .zip files labeled by Chapter or Chapter/Section, depending on which book you are using. These are the files that will be uploaded into Blackboard.

Importing the Test Bank into Blackboard Learn

  1. Navigate to the desired course in Blackboard.

  2. Once viewing your course, select the Content Tab. From there, click on the Manage Banks button underneath the Question Banks option.

    (click to enlarge image)

  3. On the Question Banks screen, click on the "+" (plus) symbol and select Import from File.

  4. On the Document Explorer/Finder window, select the individual chapter question set zip file (Note: it can be helpful to move the chapter question sets to your desktop after unzipping, as it makes them easier to locate). Click on Open to begin the import process.

  5. Once the import has completed, the chapter test bank title will appear in the list of question banks.

  6. The questions can now be added to Tests by selecting the Reuse Questions option (Course Content > Create Content > Test > Reuse Questions).

    For more information on Blackboard Test features and other functionality, please visit their support website or connect with your Blackboard Admin.

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