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Copy a Course in FlatWorld Standalone Homework
Copy a Course in FlatWorld Standalone Homework

This article covers how instructors can copy a past course to be reused for an upcoming semester through

Alastair Adam avatar
Written by Alastair Adam
Updated over a week ago

PLEASE NOTE: This article covers how to copy courses in FlatWorld StandAlone Homework only. If your homework is hosted through a learning management system (Canvas, BlackBoard, D2L/Brightspace, Moodle), you can copy your FlatWorld homework assignments as part of the copy course/content feature built into the learning management system. If you are a BlackBoard user, please do not use the copy course functionality feature in BlackBoard. We are actively working with BlackBoard to resolve a known issue with this feature that causes issues with student grade submissions. For now, please refer to this article to copy your assignments within the FlatWorld Homework Tool.

Navigate to your FlatWorld StandAlone Homework

First you will need to navigate to the homework page. There are a couple of ways to do this.

Go to FlatWorld Homework at

Simply navigate to this site and log in with your FlatWorld account. All the courses on which you are listed as an educator/instructor will be available to you. Click 'View Course' to open the main course page and view your assignments.

When logged into FlatWorld, click on the Adopted Books Link located in the top right corner on the page. This takes you to your instructor dashboard, where you can access all your homework courses by clicking the 'Homework' Link, and clicking 'Assignments'. This will take you to the assignments for that particular course.

You can get to the main course page by clicking 'Courses' on the menu located on the left side of the screen after completing the step above.

Copy your Course

Locate the course you wish to copy on Course page. There will be an icon denoted by three dots stacked on top of each other in the top right corner of the course box. Click on this icon to reveal the Copy course option, which you can select.

Selecting the Copy course option brings up the following page:

The fields are as follows:

  • Title - the title of the course that will be copied. The title will default to whatever the original course was titled, with 'Copy" added to the end. In the above example, the original course is titled 'Demo Course', and so the copied course default title is 'Demo Course Copy'. You can change the title to whatever you want it to be. We recommend using semester/year as a way to easily differentiate between courses.

  • Demo Course check box - checking this box marks this course as a demo for your use only. It is NOT intended for student facing courses. Uncheck this box if this will be a live course for students.

  • ID from student course URL - FlatWorld Internal use only, no need to enter anything here.

  • Description - any details you wish to include for students about the course. The description will be displayed for students under the course title.

  • Book - the book being used for the homework course. You are unable to change this book or the book version...if you need a new course created for a different book or version, please reach out to FlatWorld Customer Service.

  • Institution - the school with which you as an educator are affiliated, and where the course is being taught. This cannot be changed when copying courses; if you have any concerns about this, please reach out to FlatWorld Customer Service.

  • Course Identifier - Course abbreviation/numbers as they are listed at your school. PSY101, BUS201, etc.

  • Section Identifier - Section number if you have multiple sections for a course, and thus multiple homework courses, if applicable.

  • Start Date - when the course starts.

  • End Date - when the course ends

  • Open for self-enrollment checkbox - when this box is checked, it means that students can join the course via an invitation link or invitation code. If unchecked, you as the instructor will need to add the students to the course manually. We recommend checking this box.

  • Educators - Individuals who have access to the course, can build and edit assignments, and can view student grades and submissions. The default educators listed on the course to be copied will be those listed on the original course.

  • Educators email list - you can add additional instructors to the course as educators here. They must have a FlatWorld account created under the email you enter to be added successfully.

Once all relevant information has been entered, click on the blue 'Create Course Copy' button.

Your Copied Course

Clicking 'Create Course Copy' will copy the course and you will be taken to the course assignment page. When you copy a course, any published assignments from the original course will be copy over and be placed in a 'draft' status.

The above picture shows an example (click on the image to enlarge). The original course, titled 'Demo Course', had a published assignment for Chapter 1. It was copied over into the new course, 'Demo Course Copy'. It is in a draft status, meaning you can make changes to the assignment before re-publishing. You can also delete the assignment and make a brand new one for that chapter should you choose.

When you navigate back to the main courses page the copied course will be listed alongside the rest of your courses. You can choose to view the course from that page in the future.

You can see all the information entered on the copy course page: new title, Course ID, Section number, and the description. The start and end dates are listed above the course title.


Why can't I create a homework course for myself through FlatWorld StandAlone Homework at

If you have never used FlatWorld Homework before, or have adopted an additional title and want to use homework for that title, you will need to contact your FlatWorld Sales representative or FlatWorld Customer Service. Your first course is always created in collaboration with FlatWorld. Once created, you can copy your course for future use.

Why I don't see any of my homework courses when I log into FlatWorld?

If you don't see any of your homework courses, it could be that one has not yet been created for you. You may also have two accounts under two different emails, and are signed into the email that is not listed on your homework courses. In either case, please reach out to your FlatWorld Sales Rep or FlatWorld Customer Service for assistance.

How do I change information about my course after it has been copied? (start or end date, title, course/section ID, or description?

If you wish to change something about your course information AFTER the course has been copied, please reach out to FlatWorld Customer Service and they will assist you in making the desired updates to your course.

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