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Homework Error Reporting

This article covers how to report homework errors and the different reporting options.

Alastair Adam avatar
Written by Alastair Adam
Updated over 6 months ago

Reporting Homework Errors

Both students and Instructors can report errors through the homework system. These errors are sent to FlatWorld Customer Service to be reviewed. Once the error is verified, it will be resolved and the student's grade updated if necessary.

PLEASE NOTE: FlatWorld Customer Service does not have subject matter expertise related to the topics covered in FlatWorld textbooks.

Attempt Detail View Error Reporting (for both instructors and students)

Students can report errors while taking an assignment or when they review their assignment submissions. The latter is only available if the instructor has set up the option for students to review their submission in the assignment settings. Most professors will make it so the correct answers are available AFTER the assignment is due. Please keep this in mind when your answer is marked incorrect.

While Taking an Assignment

While taking an assignment each question has a button to report an error on that question.

A screenshot of a view of a submitted FlatWorld assignment with arrows pointing to the "Details" button and the Show penalties"

In Assignment Review

To access your assignment submission, you can click on the 'Details' link next to your grade for that assignment.

a screenshot of an assignment in FlatWorld Homework with one submission with an arrow pointing to the "Details" link on the far right of the page.

The 'Details' link is also shown when you click into the assignment, which you would do if you are allowed more than one attempt.

A screenshot of an assignment page in FlatWorld Homework where a second attempt can be made. A red arrow points to the word "Details" which can be clicked to enter the detail view of the submitted attempt.

After clicking the 'Details Link' on one of the above pages, you will be taken to a summary page of your assignment submission. You can click the 'Show Penalties' button to see if you were assigned a late or re-attempt penalty. You can also click the 'Show Questions' button to see a summary of what questions you got right and wrong. To see a detailed summary of your assignment submission, click on 'Details'.

Clicking 'Details' on this page will take you to your assignment submission. Depending on the assignment settings your professor has configured, you will be able to see your answers, and whether or not they were correct. If an answer is marked incorrect, but you cannot see what the correct answer is, the date on which the correct answers will be available will be listed at the top of the window, or it will state that your instructor has set the assignment not to show correct answers at all. The report error button is located under each question, which will provide FlatWorld Customer Service with the question information if you report an error. If you click the link above the question the wrong question will be sent in.

A screenshot of the submission details page from a FlatWorld Homework assignment. The words "Submission details" are at the top of the page, followed by the date and time the assignment was submitted and the date and time when correct answers will be made available. Under "Question 1" the button to "Report an Error" has been highlighted.

The Error Report

Error Report Options

There are three options to choose from when reporting errors. You will have the option to add additional details when reporting.

  1. Correct Answer Rejected

  2. Typo or Language Mistake

  3. Technical Issue or Error

Typo or Language Mistake - this option should be used to report any spelling, grammar, punctuation, or formatting problems with a question.

Correct Answer Rejected - this option should be used when you can see the correct answers in your submission details. If your answer is marked wrong, but you have textbook evidence that shows you are correct or if your answer matches the correct answer shown but you are marked as incorrect, use this report option. You can include the text that backs up your claim in the additional details. FlatWorld Customer Service members are not subject matter experts, and you may be asked to connect with your professor on the issue.

Technical Issue or error- If your issue does not fall into any of the other reporting categories, please include as much information as possible when using this option.

Note: The Add Details Field is required*. The more detail you provide the easier it will be for us to check your report and follow up with you.

Instructor Error Reporting

Instructors can report errors as well, through the same process described above for students since they have access to all assignment submissions. Instructors can also report errors when they are selecting questions when building an assignment, as well as during the assignment preview option.

During Step 2 - Add Questions

As an instructor, you are able to report errors while adding questions to your assignment.

First, click on the question to open the full question view:

A screenshot of the "Preview" view on a FlatWorld Homework assignment. A red arrow points to the "Begin" button.

Then, click the three dots in the upper right corner of the question view, and select "Report and error".

A screenshot of Step 2 - Add Questions in the FlatWorld assignment creator. An arrow points from the question preview on the left to the full question view on the right, then from there to the 3 dot menu in the upper right corner of the question, and from there to the "Report an error" button in that menu.

From here you will see the error report dialog. You can select the error type, and will be required to provide a comment to describe the issue. The more detail you are able to provide, the more quickly our team will be able to make any necessary updates.

During Step 4 - Preview and Publish

As an instructor, you are also able to report errors during the Preview and Publish stage when building your assignments. At the bottom of the Preview and Publish page, you can preview the assignment from the student viewpoint. Click the 'Begin' button to enter the preview.

As you cycle through each question, the report error button will be located at the bottom of each question. The button is located below the View available hints button. You can also see the error button in this location from the "Preview" tab after publishing an assignment

A screenshot of the preview tab of a FlatWorld Homework assignment with the assignment in progress. A red arrow points to the "Report an Error" button in the lower left corner of the page.

Please provide details about why you believe the content is incorrect and include any suggested changes to improve the question. This will assist FlatWorld Customer Service with updating the question in a timely manner.

A screenshot of the preview tab of a FlatWorld Homework assignment with the assignment in progress. The "Report an Error" dialog box is open and arrows point to the "What kind of report" dropdown and the "Add details" area. The "Add details" area is required.

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