Step 1: Log In
Log into your FlatWorld account. If you do not already have an educator account with us, please sign up here
After you log in, you will be brought to the main page, where you may browse our catalog or search for titles
Step 2: Navigating Your Account
To navigate directly to review copies, or other sections in your account, use the different tabs or buttons.
There are two ways to navigate to the different tabs or sections of your account.
One way is to hover over your name (or initial) located toward the top right corner of page
This will cause a drop-down menu to appear, from which you may select a tab
A second way is to click on the big 'My Bookshelf' button (shown at the top of your screen) after logging in
Step 3: Identifying Each Tab
Adopted: This tab will show you a list of books currently adopted on your account
Examination Copies: Any title you request to review will be listed under this section
Customized: This tab lists any title you began to modify or customize, but did not complete. If you start modifying a title, and want to pick back up where you left off, you would go to 'unpublished projects' to continue with edits until you are ready to submit it to be published
Hidden: This tab shows the list of adopted books you 'hid' from appearing on our site as a current, registered adoption.
All Active: This tab shows all of your active adoptions.
My Supplements: Instructor resources are found under this tab. Please note: supplements are restricted to adopting faculty; you may preview resources while reviewing. Supplements will not appear until we have confirmed adoption.
Homework: Lists all of your homework courses. If you are using homework through FlatWorld's platform directly, this is also where you would go to create or edit assignments, check students grades and so on.
Please note: A homework course would need to be set up for access. Please contact your rep or our support team to get set up with Homework.
To learn more about FlatWorld homework, please contact your rep or our support team. You may also request a demo of the Homework here.
If your homework course is integrated, access to the homework will be through whichever Learning Management System (LMS) your school uses.
My Account: Displays your account profile information
Q: Why am I receiving an 'access lapsed' or 'account disabled' message when attempting to view my text?
A: If your adoption expired, you may see an 'access lapsed' message and 'adopting' the book will restore access. If your account has been disabled, causes could vary; please contact your rep or for more information regarding any expired access message.
Q: Why can I not access my previous adoption?
A: The registered adoption has likely expired and would need to be re-adopted on your account to restore access.