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How to create an Assignment in FlatWorld Homework (Instructor)
How to create an Assignment in FlatWorld Homework (Instructor)

This article covers how to build a FlatWorld Homework Assignment and explains the available features.

Alastair Adam avatar
Written by Alastair Adam
Updated over a week ago

In order to use the FlatWorld Homework system, you must first have a course created for your class. Please reach out to your Sales Rep or the FlatWorld Customer Service team at 877-257-9243,, or the live chat feature on our website.

Please have the course title and course number ready, along with the start and end dates.

How to Access Your Course

Log into FlatWorld and navigate to to locate the desired course. If you are using integrated homework through Canvas, BlackBoard, Moodle, or D2L/BrightSpace, you will access your course and the FlatWorld Homework Tool there.

Creating Blank Assignment

Once you access the Homework course, you will see the following options (options in parentheses are only available with some texts; if you wish to create an exam you will have some different options, but most steps will be the same as those outlined in this article):

  1. Quick Create

  2. Create Blank Assignment

  3. Copy Assignment(/Exam)

  4. (Create Blank Exam)

This article covers the Create Blank Assignment option. For more information on the Quick Create, Copy Course features, and Assignment Templates click the buttons below.

PLEASE NOTE: If your course is integrated into a Learning Management System (LMS) such as Canvas, BlackBoard, Moodle, or D2L/BrightSpace, some of the assignment settings will not be available to you when building your assignment with FlatWorld Homework. These features, such as start date and due date, are set within the LMS outside of the FlatWorld assignment settings.

Step 1 - Settings

After clicking the Create an Assignment option, you will be taken to Step 1 - Settings.

  1. Under Assignment Name, enter in the desired title for the assignment.

  2. Under Available, enter in the start date (when the assignment is available for students to work on) and the due date of the assignment. You can also add a time limit for the assignment. Once an assignment is opened, the timer will not pause if the student closes the assignment. The assignment will be automatically submitted when the timer runs out.

  3. Under Late Submissions, you can check the box to allow student to submit beyond the original due date. Choose a Close for Submissions date, and you may add a percentage penalty per 24 hour delay if you wish. This is to allow late submissions for all students and extensions for a single student are handled elsewhere.

  4. Question Settings - located under Attempts, you are able to set whether students will receive the different question values, or the same values on each attempt.

*This feature is currently available to certain titles only.
When you are done, click Next to proceed to Step 2 - Add Questions.

Step 2 - Add Questions

  1. Use the Select Chapter dropdown menu to choose the desired Chapter.

  2. To add a question to the assignment, click the check box to the left of the question number. To view a question, simply click on the text and a preview will show on the right side of your screen,

  3. The question type (Multiple Choice, Match List, etc.) will be listed on the right side of the question column.

  4. In the question preview, you can preview the correct answer by clicking the Show Answer box. You can also see how many points a question is worth next to the Show Answer box.

  5. The number of questions you have added to the assignment will be displayed at the top right corner of the page.

**Some titles will allow you to preview the solution to the question in the question preview, or rather how the problem is solved in addition to the correct answer. If the Show Solution box is checked, you can see the solution at the bottom of the question preview window. Enabling the Show Solution option for students is set during Step 4 - Preview and Publishing.

**Some titles allow you to choose multiple variations of the same question. This can be done next to the question type.

The number of total available variations for the question is the number on the right (48 in the screenshot), and the number of variations you have selected is the box in the left (1 in the screenshot). For example, if you chose 2 variations of this question, one question could read as 2x +4 = 12, solve for x, while the next read 4y+15=27. The question format stays the same, but the values change. The option to add variations to a question is available after a question has been selected to be added to the assignment.

**This feature is currently available to certain titles only. For more information on adding questions with variations see the article on the topic here.
When you have added your questions, click Next to proceed to Step 3 - Organize Questions.

Step 3 - Organize Questions

  1. To move a question, click the icon that looks like three stacked lines and drag the question to where you would like it in the order.

  2. To remove a question, click the Trash Icon. To review the question again, simply click on the question text.

  3. To add more questions click on Add More Questions at the bottom of the page to take you back to Step 2 - Adding Questions.

When you are done organizing your questions, click Next to proceed to Step 4 - Preview and Publish.

Step 4 - Preview and Publish

  1. Attempts - choose the maximum number of attempts per student, or the number of times they can take the assignment. You can choose to apply a percentage penalty for each attempt beyond the first. You can also choose to have the assignment graded by the latest score (from most recent attempt), or using the highest score (highest score from all submitted attempts).

The Hints & Feedback Setting section allows you to set the support options available to a student during the attempt and after the assignment has been submitted. It is divided into three sections: 1) During Attempt, 2) After Submission, and 3) Preview as Student.

  1. During Student Attempts

    1. Allow students to check answer before submitting - checking this box will allow students to check and see if their answer is correct or incorrect. If this has been enabled, you can choose to enable it for non-multiple choice questions. You can also choose to lock the question after the answer has been checked a certain number of times.

      1. If you set the question to lock after a certain number of checks that is the total number of times students can check; i.e. if you set it to lock after 1 check, students will not be able to change their answer after the first time they check it.

    2. Direct students to read the relevant chapter - this provides the student a link to the chapter in the book where they can find the answer to the question.

    3. These features are currently available to certain titles only.

      1. Direct the students to watch the respective lecture video - this is found next to the relevant chapter link, and directs students to the related lecture on the question material.

      2. Link to an online graphing calculator - this link is located next to the relevant chapter and lecture video links, and provides the student with an online graphing calculator for use on the question.

      3. Allow students to see the solution of the question, including the correct answer - checking this box allows for students to see the correct answer and how to solve the problem. Good for practice assignments.

      4. Allow students to see the video solution of the question, including the correct answer - checking this box allows for the student to see the video explanation of the solution to the problem as well as the correct answer. Good for practice assignments.

  2. After Submission- The following features can be enabled "right after submitting" or "after [date]" a certain date. Right after submitting means that students can see their grades, the assignment submission, or their correct answers as soon as they complete an assignment. After [date] means that they can view any of this information only after a certain date and time that you set.

    1. Allow students to see their grades - checking this box will allow students to see the grade they received on their most recent attempt.

    2. Allow students to review submission - checking this box will allow for students to review the questions and their answers to those questions.

      1. The "Allow students to review submission" control on assignments is designed to show or hide the link to the detailed report.

      2. When checked, the student sees a link when reviewing the assignment after submission to see a detailed view of every question of the assignment.

      3. When it's unchecked that link is hidden so students just see their score rather than the question by question detail.

    3. Allow students to see the correct answers in the submission details - checking this box will allow students to see the correct answers to the questions and to compare them against the answers they entered.

    4. This feature is currently available to certain titles only.

      1. Allow students to see question solutions in the submission details - checking this box will allow students to see how the problem is solved as well as the correct answer when reviewing the assignment submission.

  3. The Preview as a Student section allows you to view the assignment as it appears to the student, as well as the support options you enabled under During Attempt. Click Begin to preview (NOTE: your attempt in the Student Preview will not appear in your Homework gradebook).

  1. The student can see that their answers are correct after using Check Answer.

  2. The Check Answer button is enabled, and they are shown how many times they can check the answer before the question is locked.

  3. The link to Read the related chapter is located under the question window.

When you have finished selecting your settings, you can choose to Save as a Draft, or to Publish the assignment.

  1. Saving as a Draft will allow you to come back and add more questions later.

  2. Publishing the assignment will lock in the questions, and make the assignment visible to students (NOTE: once students begin attempting the assignment, it can no longer be edited).

To create additional assignments, click the +New Button after saving as a draft or publishing.

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